Consumers are said to use the phone less and less to contact customer services. Yet phone calls remain their preferred channel. Talking is three times faster than typing and you can carry out several tasks at the same time. Phone calls are quicker, more practical, and more natural. They meet the consumer’s need for immediate information or problem-solving. In 2021, 60% of consumers contacted customer services by phone, compared to 56% for email, and 15 to 25% for digital channels such as live chat, instant messaging, or social media. However, customer service wait times can be very long, and handling customer requests over the phone is expensive for companies.
To improve the customer experience and manage costs, recurring requests can be automated by callbots, conversational robots that can be reached via a phone number. This kind of virtual switchboard is often deployed by companies with lots of incoming calls, such as those in insurance, telephony, transport, or e-commerce. Callbots are more effective than IVR (Interactive Voice Response). Although they are not widely used yet, there is more and more interest among large companies, SMEs, and public organizations.
This white paper provides further information about implementing a callbot: the challenges, performance metrics, and impact assessment. It covers topics including the challenges of providing a quality customer relationship, as well as easily identifiable use cases with 4 major scenario typologies (claims, inquiries, qualification, appointment booking). It also details its benefits, ROI calculation, functioning, and various features, as well as strategic tips for a successful roll-out. This white book draws on our expertise in natural language processing software, as well as several client testimonials, such as MACSF an insurance provider for healthcare professionals, and ANFR, the French radio frequencies agency.
When implemented methodically, callbots help to improve the customer phone experience and boost operational efficiency. Callbots are not intended to replace customer service agents, but to relieve them. 80% of marketing and customer relations professionals believe that bots make human agents more efficient in handling customer queries. Today, 73% think that they will create new jobs.
To find out more about callbots: download our White Paper